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So far admin has created 51 blog entries.

    Non-Profit Grants

    To keep primary missions alive and in service to the greater public good, not for profit entities depend on all types of nonprofit funding. Grants for nonprofit organizations such as trusts and foundations provide bulk funding which can then be granted in-turn to smaller charities. Nonprofit government grants are also a viable form of nonprofit funding. A nonprofit organization is [...]

    2018-10-13T14:21:19+00:00Non-Profit Grant Info|

      Small Business Funding Grants

      Small business grants are available at the federal government and private foundation levels for entrepreneurs and private owners seeking grants for small business. While it may seem obvious to those of us already working in a small business, the federal government has very strict mandates on what constitutes a small business, and thus who can apply for small business grants. [...]

      2018-10-13T18:16:55+00:00Business Grant Info|

        Commerical Grants

        In the business world location is everything when talking about commercial grants. In most cities in the United States, inner-city downtown areas are now defunct and downtrodden. For a business, a sure-fire way to keep income rolling in is to own business property of some sort. Right now the cost of commercial property is at a premium and the U. [...]

        2018-10-13T14:13:48+00:00Business Grant Info|

          Business Grants

          Billions of dollars at both the federal and state levels are awarded to savvy business owners who seek to expand an existing business or add needed diversity to their services using business grants. There are well over 900 business grants programs offered by twenty six federal grant-making agencies within the federal government. While private sector foundations focus on non-profit charities, [...]

          2018-10-13T14:12:39+00:00Business Grant Info|

            Business Expansion

            Entrepreneur’s, sole proprietors and corporations alike have one thing in common: They all qualify for business expansion grants. In these volatile and ever changing economic times, if a business fails to grow and evolve in serving the needs of the community, they won’t be in business long. People who have disposable income spend their money wisely and the savvy business [...]

            2018-10-13T14:09:29+00:00Business Grant Info|

              Grants For Tuition

              If you are like most folks, when looking for ways to finance a higher education, as well as savings and loans, you will consider tuition school grants. In this economy it can be hard to find ways to pay for classes, books and upkeep when you attend college or trade school, so one hard and firm option you need to [...]

              2018-10-13T14:06:58+00:00Education Grant Info|

                Women Education Grants

                Women have come a long way over the years, but in the realm of higher education and industry-specific careers, women as a whole still remain, for the most part underrepresented in opportunities for education grants for women. Women many times disregard their own dreams early in life and are later challenged by their financial situation. Women who were not able [...]

                  College Grants

                  In today’s economy, the tough job market almost mandates that you possess a college education and is sending people scrambling in search of college grants. In a world where the Associate degree is now equal to a high school diploma, many prospective students are using every means at their disposal to get that secondary education under their belt. Here, we [...]

                  2018-10-13T14:01:48+00:00Education Grant Info|

                    Grant Research

                    Many times organizations pay thousands of dollars to professionals who have been taught in college how to write and research grants. These professionals are assigned the tedious, time consuming and the often time mundane task of scouring federal government and private foundations in search of everything from supplemental funding for animal shelters to research grants. In this time of economic [...]

                    2018-10-13T13:59:38+00:00Grant Info|

                      Research Grants

                      New medical, scientific and humanitarian modalities and inventions are discovered on a regular basis thanks to research grants. Federal research grants to cure illness and disease, explore space and build affordable and sustainable housing are all funded by government research grants. Scientists, humanitarians and medical professionals all start their quest at the same place, by doing grant research. Government research [...]

                      2018-10-13T13:48:41+00:00Grant Info|